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Primera Entrada de Yoel

¡Buenos días! / ¡Buenas tardes! / ¡Buenas noches! ... Soy Yoel, alumno de David Lobo (Profesor de informática C.E.I.P.S.O. San Sebastián 4 ...

miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2020

Transistor electronic circuit

Hello to everyone! How are you!? I hope that all of you are well. 
This time, we will simulate the operation of a transistor. In the previous entry, it theoretically explains how the transistor works, but this time it will be in practice. This is the best way to learn something along with the examples. So I have as much fun doing these kinds of projects, I hope as much as you do when trying them out. If, as I always say, I hope you like it. Try it here
Here is one of the screenshots of the project

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2020

Songs with Audacity

Hello to everyone!! How are you? I hope every of you are okay.
This time we are working with Audacity, which is a program that is used to edit songs, soundtracks and other types of audio to listen it as you like, this is my result of today's task, I hope you like it.
Here is an Audacity edition screenshot:
Audacity edition screenshot

domingo, 10 de mayo de 2020

Transistor operation

Hey! How are you!? I hope you are well. Today I will show you how a transient works:
The transistor consists of three parts artificially doped (contaminated with specific materials in specific quantities) that form two bipolar junctions: the emitter that emits carriers, the collector that receives or collects them, and the third, which is sandwiched between the first two, modulates the passage of said carriers (base). 

Unlike valves, the transistor is a current-controlled device from which amplified current is obtained. In circuit design, transistors are considered an active element, unlike resistors, capacitors, and inductors that are passive elements.

Thats all for today. This time it was theory, I hope you liked and interested. See you at the next post!
Here are some videos that I hope will make it clearer:

martes, 28 de abril de 2020

Audioguía - Tipos de contenedores

Hello everyone! This time I come with an app in which you can differentiate what type of waste to throw into each container. It will be of little use to you with this quarantine. But as soon as we all go out into the street, we should give the planet a smile to show that it is not necessary for us to put us all at home so as not to make it unhappy JAJA. WE CAN GET IT !!
Here are some screenshots from the app:

domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

Recipe: Spaghetti a la carbonara

Hello to everyone! Today we are going to make a recipe with Google Documents of our favorite recipe. One of mine is "spaghetti a la carbonara". I love the taste of it, so I decided to make the recipe for this dish so special to me.
If you want to try preparing the dish or see how the document has turned out, you can see it here.
This is a screenshot in which I show the recipe, but if you want to enlarge it or see it more clearly I recommend that you visit it:

miércoles, 15 de abril de 2020

Spanish digital company

Nowadays digitization is almost unstoppable, as Carlos López Blanco indicates: "Customers are more digital every time and therefore the way they do everything is changed, this is the nature of the challenge." Opportunity, competitiveness and innovation are part of the benefits derived from digitization.
All companies are affected by digitization and those who do not assume that this is a challenge they have to face will have many problems ”as Carlos López Blanco has pointed out again.

domingo, 12 de abril de 2020


This time we have learned how to make pamphlets with Gimp. This time on the CEIPSO summit. All the information appears in the pamphlet. I hope you like it!

sábado, 28 de marzo de 2020

My Collage

Hello everyone! I hope you are all doing well with the Covid-19. It will pass soon, I'm sure. I have come back to teach you a new activity that I have done from TICO. It is a collage about me with various colors. So it looks more striking. If you want to learn how it is done, here my teacher teaches you. I hope you like it and that you are all well. Until next time!

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020

Servomotor with tinkercad

Hi! Good morning!
How are you? we are not currently going to school because of the Covid - 19, but despite that, we continue teaching at distance thanks to the Google tecnology XD. This time we are working with tinkercad doing a servomotor (a servomotor converts mechanical motion (shaft turns) into digital pulses interpreted by a motion controller. They also use a driver, which together form a circuit to command position, torque and speed) If you want to see it, click here
here are a couple of screenshots:
The circuit
 Command to work the circuit

miércoles, 26 de febrero de 2020

Statistics with Google sheets

Practice 1 - Statistics with Google Sheets

Open the following spreadsheet and fill in the statistics using the addition button:

Highlight the cells in which you want to perform calculations:

Minimum (MIN)
Maximum (MAX)
And Graphics

The final result must be:

miércoles, 12 de febrero de 2020

Información sobre distintas cosas de internet

Hoy vamos a dar más teoría que práctica, en la que debemos explicar gracias al servidor las siguientes palabras. Espera..., ¿Quieres saber qué es el servidor? No te preocupes, aquí abajo lo puedes saber. Espero que disfrutes viendo justo lo que actualmente estamos aprendiendo en el C.E.I.P.S.O. San Sebastiánm :)

-Ordenador cliente: Es una aplicación informática o un ordenador que consume un servicio remoto en otro ordenador conocido como servidor, normalmente a través de una red de telecomunicaciones.
-El número IP: Cuando se quiere acceder a una página web en Internet se necesita la dirección IP del servidor.El IP es un número que identifica un dispositivo en una red (o en la red de redes, esto es, en internet).

-ISP: Es el Proveedor de Servicios de Internet, es decir, a la empresa que vende a los usuarios la conexión a Internet.

-Servidor: Es una aplicación en ejecución capaz de atender las peticiones de un cliente y devolverle una respuesta en concordancia.
-Servidor DNS: Es un sistema de nomenclatura jerárquico que se ocupa de la administración del espacio de nombres de dominio. Su labor primordial consiste en resolver las peticiones de asignación de nombres.
-Número mac: La dirección MAC es un identificador único que cada fabricante le asigna a la tarjeta de red de sus dispositivos conectados, desde un ordenador o móvil hasta routers, impresoras u otros dispositivos como tu Chromecast.

sábado, 8 de febrero de 2020

Arkanoid game

Finally I'm doing another game with Scratch (is the one I like the most). This time I created "arkanoid" game that will bring more nostalgia to the most of the people who play it, but I have put this arkaid even with a short story. The game is in progress and it will take a long time to be finished, but if you can't take it anymore without trying it, here you have it for you to try, for you to enjoy and for you to rate it in the blog comments. I hope you enjoy it! :) By the way, you would help me a lot if you tell me about any bug or error in the game so I can fix it. Thank you
some screenshots of the game:

Can you beat me or even win? Try it

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020

Four in line

Hello to everybody!!!!
If you need to entertain yourself with any friend, you can play this totally free game created by me and with the help of my teacher (www.davidlobotic.blogspot.com) on Scratch.
Its a digital "four in line"!
Click here to play it!!

Here are a couple of screenshots to give you an idea of ​​what it is like before you start playing:

Advantages and disadvantages of playing video games

Hello! There are a lot of people who like to play video games (I am one of them XD), obviously, playing video games has nothing wrong, but as you know, everything in excess is bad for your health, and this is no exception. Therefore, today I am going to tell you some of the good things about playing video games and the cons of this:


-They develop the instinct to overcome the child.

-They increase your reasoning speed and stimulate your concentration.

-They develop their reflexes and mental agility and improve manual coordination.

-Promote teamwork in the case of multi-player games.

-Many are designed for educational purposes, so, while playing, they learn about all kinds of disciplines.

-Plays in family, can help strengthen ties and spend super fun evenings.


-Like television, video games have become the target of all criticism for the potential dangers they entail. It is true that, if his only fun is to play with the console, the child will end up becoming an addict, showing constant signs of anxiety and nervousness. This dependence will also stop you from interacting with your friends and paying attention to your surroundings.

-Children may be exposed to content unfit for their age, because some video games contain scenes of sex, violence, play, use foul language, and so on.

-There is a risk of being overweight or obese due to the sedentary lifestyle that most videogames force. Hence the good reception that have had the games that force you to move or practice a sport.

-By connecting with other players through the Internet, they can meet undesirable people or provide data that they shouldn't.

-One last drawback: consoles are expensive products, and video games, too.

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2020

Casa ecologista

After all, ¡Happy New Year!

I still remember when I started this blog in my class, and all the things I've done in 2019 (like to start with this blog). I hope this 2020 is full of good news for everyone. By the way, thanks to all who have visited my blog in this 2019 and also to those who are currently visiting :)
You can see it here
Here are the screenshots of how it looks: