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Primera Entrada de Yoel

¡Buenos días! / ¡Buenas tardes! / ¡Buenas noches! ... Soy Yoel, alumno de David Lobo (Profesor de informática C.E.I.P.S.O. San Sebastián 4 ...

martes, 28 de abril de 2020

Audioguía - Tipos de contenedores

Hello everyone! This time I come with an app in which you can differentiate what type of waste to throw into each container. It will be of little use to you with this quarantine. But as soon as we all go out into the street, we should give the planet a smile to show that it is not necessary for us to put us all at home so as not to make it unhappy JAJA. WE CAN GET IT !!
Here are some screenshots from the app:

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