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Primera Entrada de Yoel

¡Buenos días! / ¡Buenas tardes! / ¡Buenas noches! ... Soy Yoel, alumno de David Lobo (Profesor de informática C.E.I.P.S.O. San Sebastián 4 ...

domingo, 19 de abril de 2020

Recipe: Spaghetti a la carbonara

Hello to everyone! Today we are going to make a recipe with Google Documents of our favorite recipe. One of mine is "spaghetti a la carbonara". I love the taste of it, so I decided to make the recipe for this dish so special to me.
If you want to try preparing the dish or see how the document has turned out, you can see it here.
This is a screenshot in which I show the recipe, but if you want to enlarge it or see it more clearly I recommend that you visit it:

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